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OWC Newertech battery A1417 for MacBook Pro Retina 15" (A1398) Mid 2012 - Early 2013
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Παρέχεται με 6 μήνες εγγύηση καταστήματος
NewerTech Li-Ion Battery for Apple MacBook Pro 15", Retina, 2012-2013, 95 Wh, RoHS Compliant. No solvents included. NewerTech batteries not only offer long run times, they are also designed to last.
NuPower battery upgrade solutions are environmentally friendly and RoHS certified free of lead, mercury, cadmium, PBB and PBDE. A new battery makes your Mac better than new!
If high performance, quality and longevity are your criteria for a battery upgrade, NuPower is your choice. NuPower batteries are not only built to meet factory specifications, but to exceed them. So, after replacing the battery, you can listen to more music, watch more videos and get more work done before needing a new charge!
Find the right battery here:
! An important note: Immediately after installing the new battery, you should calibrate it:
Step 1: Plug in your device using the power adapter.
Step 2: Fully charge the device battery. Wait until the 100% battery indicator appears before disconnecting the power adapter from the device.
Step 3: Make sure no important files are open.
Step 4: Wait until the device goes into sleep mode.
Step 5: Then leave the device idle for at least 5 hours.
Step 6: Fully charge the battery again. Make sure you never remove the power cord from the device until it is fully charged.